Book Layout & Typesetting

Process: We’ll start with a project consultation to establish which stages of development are required (editing, cover design, typesetting, proofreading, printing, distribution). Based on project requirements, we will establish next steps.

Cost: Based on word count. A quote or proposal will be developed following the Initial Consultation.

Timeline: Once the edited manuscript is submitted, it will take 2-3 weeks for layout, then the client will have at least a week to return revisions to me. Revisions will likely take up to another week to complete. This is not accounting for copy editing before the manuscript is typeset, proofreading, or the print schedule. 

Publishing: Ask me about my relationship with a publisher! 

Brand Identity & Logos

Process: Once we’ve defined scope, expectations, and client vision/preferences with a Creative Brief, I start by creating mood boards. Then, I develop logo options that correspond with the selected mood board. When the logo is selected, I will develop a Visual Identity Brand Manual including logo variations, color palettes, typography, and graphic elements. All of the assets that were selected and developed through the creative process will be delivered at the conclusion of the project. 

Cost: Approximately $3,000; A quote or proposal will be developed following the Creative Brief.

Timeline: This process typically takes 60 days; The proposal will outline the project timeline based on the information received in the Creative Brief.

Copywriting, Editing & Proofing

Process: I prefer to work from a draft provided by the client. If I’m starting from scratch, I will need a detailed Creative Brief. 

Cost & Timeline: Will depend on amount of work required. A quote or proposal will be developed following the Creative Brief. 

Exclusions: I do not currently take on book editing or ghostwriting projects.

Design for Existing Brands

Process: The Creative Brief will define the deliverables required including technical specifications, printing budgets, and need by dates. An existing brand manual will be required before starting the project.

Cost & Timeline: A quote or proposal will be developed following the Creative Brief. If the deliverables need corporate approval, that will impact project timeline.

Information Graphics & Presentation Design

Process: I always start with a Creative Brief. Then I will take data submitted by the client and develop the graphics.

Cost & Timeline: Will depend on amount of work required. A quote or proposal will be developed following the Creative Brief.

Video Editing

Process: The Creative Brief will describe creative vision for the video, and all footage will need to be submitted before the project can begin. If there is an existing storyboard, I can work from that. If not, I will need time to review the footage and create my own storyboard for approval before editing the footage.

Cost & Timeline: This will depend on the amount of footage and the length of the video. A quote or proposal will be developed following the Creative Brief.

Exclusions: I do not shoot footage or do any animation.

Website Design

Process: The Creative Brief will define the amount of content, pages, number of custom graphics, and any specific functionality required. Then, web copy (at least in its rough draft stages) is required to create wireframes. I build websites using the WordPress Divi Theme Builder. I can also work with a builder of your choice such as Squarespace, Wix, GoDaddy, etc.

Cost & Timeline: This will depend on the amount of custom artwork required, the number of pages, and needed functionality.  A quote or proposal will outline the project cost and timeline based on the information received in the Creative Brief.

Web Technology Services: I have a relationship with an information technology company that offers a spectrum of services including but not limited to: hosting, maintenance, security, SEO, and analytics. 

Exclusions: I do not write custom code.